Asahi Kasei Advance


Types of Mats

Filter Point Mats (FP)
Filter Point Mats (FP)

Two layers of fabric are woven together at regularly spaced intervals. These points of attachment serve as filter points allowing upward passage of ground water from beneath the mat to reduce hydrostatic uplift.
Filter points are placed in a diamond pattern.
After mortar is injected, the pattern of the mat takes on an attractive diagonal grid appearance.


Two layers of fabric are laced together by drop stitches to form a waterproof mat eliminating single-layer portions.

NF50: The two layers are laced together at close intervals to form a slab with a smooth,checkerboard appearance after being injected with mortar.

NF100 and NF150:The drop-stitched portions are partially grouped together so that the finished slab is given a lumpy, lattice pattern.

Concrete Mat(CX)=Storm Mat
Concrete Mat(CX)=Storm Mat

CX fabric is used for constructing concrete slabs. It is filled with injected concrete containing coarse aggregate with a maximum size from 10

Revetment Greenification (GP) Mat
Revetment Greenification (CP/M) Mat

Two fabric layers are woven together to a single layer is formed in advance at the factory, and a hydrostatic uplift preventing material (nonwoven fabric,t=10mm)is used so as to produce a slope revetment friendly to nature combining the slope protection of a conventional fabriform plus a vegetation planting function.