Asahi Kasei Advance


ASAHI KASEI ADVANCE CORPORATION. has exerted assiduous efforts for the development of construction materials to meet the requirements of civil engineering works which are becoming larger in scale year after year by use of highly advanced techniques. In response to this demand, ASAHI is now prepared to furnish Pubric Series made of high tenacity yarns of Synthetic Fibers. Pubric Series feature the following points as the materials of construction.

  1. High strength
    Tensile strength is not reduced even at the wet time in the fresh water and sea water; needless to say while in normal condition.
  2. Toughness
    Exceptionally tough thanks to its high tensile strength and elongation. Has high shock resistance.
  3. No shearing
    The Sheets specially processed with the unique method of Asahi and perfectly prevented from shearing.
  4. Has appropriate permeability
  5. No corrosible
    No bacteria - or noxious insects - caused corrosion occurs even if laid under the ground for long


Engineering Method - 1

Method to Stabilize the Surface Course of Poor Subgrade

  1. The method to make the surface course over the soft mud by spreading good soil and sand directry over it requires dual labor for casting in of quality soil, conveying and carrying away of raised soft mud. This is a method to give solution to such pending question by laying permeable "Public SheetTM "over the poor subgrade prior to spreading soil and sand so as to prevent flow failure and depression of the spread material.
  2. The strong tensile strength of laid "Public SheetTM " is used to suppress the raised soft layer and to produce the effects of lightening loads.
  3. In view of the need for bearing the loads of spread material and vehicles, the tensile strength is the most important factor in the selection of " Public SheetTM "for use in poor subgrade whose cohesion is small (Cohesion C = 0.2~0.02kg/cm2 or the like). Shown below are the standards for selection of the sheet in terms of relative strength of sheet and the cohesion.

    Strength of Sheet
    (Plane site Construction)
    Strength of Sheet
    (Road Construction)
    C=0.02-0.05 120 Kg / 3cm width 180 Kg / 3cm width
    C=0.05-0.10 90 Kg / 3cm width 150 Kg / 3cm width
    C=0.10-0.20 90 Kg / 3cm width 120 Kg / 3cm width
Engineering Method - 1

1. Makes construction period shorter.

2. Serves to reduce construction cost.

3. Light weight makes construction work easy.


Engineering Method - 2

Cofferdam in the Reclamation
One of the methods is for the construction of cofferdam in the reclamation work. The method to use the sheet as a lining prevents the run-off of soil and sand.

Engineering Method - 2

1. Prevents the material from running-off.

2. Serves to reduce construction cost.

3. Light weight makes construction work easy.


Engineering Method - 3

Method to Prevent Washout
The method to prevent the embankments of river dikes or seashore structures (break-water, etc.) from being washed away by the water current or waves, and there by to stabilize the subgrade and structures.

Engineering Method - 3

1. Prevents the corrosion of subgrade.

2. Serves to reduce construction cost.

3. Light weight makes construction work easy.


Engineering Method - 4

Method to Prevent Sand from Being Washed Away
The method to line the side of wall with the "Public SheetTM "prevents the running out the soil sand used in the reclamation work for the industrial site.

Engineering Method - 4

1. Prevents the material from being washed away.

2. Serves to reduce construction cost.

3. Light weight makes construction work easy.

Engineering Method - 4

Engineering Method - 4

Engineering Method - 4