Asahi Kasei is a pioneer in battery technology and a long-trusted supplier of HIPORE™ lithium-ion battery separators, which are polymer-based microporous membranes widely recognized for their contribution to the safety and performance of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) used in electric vehicles (EV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), smartphones, electric grid energy storage solutions (ESS), and other applications.

Lithium-ion battery separators are among the most highly-engineered and ctitical components of lithium-ion batteries, providing a barrier between the anode and cathode (the battery electrodes) to prevent short circuits, while performing the core function of facilitating ion exchange – which is required to produce energy.

HIPORE™ have been commercially available since 1983 and have contributed to... since the LIB market's inception in the early 1990s.

Key Properties:

  • Uniform submicron pore structure
  • High porosity
  • Excellent thicknesses uniformity
  • High puncture strength
  • Wide range of thicknesses available
  • Functional coatings available for enhanced separator performance