
Steps To Installation

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Food, Chemical and Pharmaceutical

Interview to outline the separation process and list issues to be considered

Interview to outline the separation process and list issues to be considered

In an interview(s), we ask about the contents and conditions of the aimed separation process and provide primary support on whether a hollow fiber membrane is applicable or not to the assumed separation process. Support is then provided on selecting Microza products when a hollow fiber membrane is found to be applicable and on another separation technique if it is more appropriate.

Small-volume sample testing using a pencil scale module (Customer)

Small-volume sample testing using a pencil scale module (Customer)

We ask customers to purchase pencil modules of the several products selected in STEP 1 and to perform simple filtration testing using samples of several hundred milliliters. Based on the results of the submitted simple filtration testing, we narrow the list finally into one or two products.

Sample testing (No. 2) using laboratory scale module (Asahi Kasei/ Customer)

Now lab-scale testing is ready to be performed using products selected in STEP 2 and a sample of several tens of litter. Sample testing (for a fee) can be performed by sending the necessary amount of samples to our laboratory. We also offer a rental service for testing devices. Please see here for the contents of the testing and expected outputs.

Judging the applicability of hollow fiber membrane (Customer)

After sharing the sample quality and processing speed data obtained in STEP 3 as well as the broad cost image of the entire facility between us and the customer, the customer judges whether Microza can achieve the aimed processing or not.

Comparing and adjusting the operating conditions and uses of membrane filtration device

If you are considering hollow fiber membrane installation together with a membrane filtration device, let us discuss with you operation conditions and device specifications based on the results of testing in STEP 3. Through interviews on restricting conditions of the facility, we’ll design, manufacture and realize a facility that matches your desires.

Placing an order

Please place an order for a hollow fiber membrane or/and membrane filtration device if the contents proposed by Asahi Kasei match your conditions and you feel satisfied.

Delivery and trial operation (device)

We deliver Microza or/and membrane filtration devices, which are manufactured in Asahi Kasei’s Fuji Plant based on the contents of your order, to your desired site.

Technological support after installation of Microza

To realize a smooth launch and stable operation of your production facility, Asahi Kasei’s engineer provides technological support even after the installation of Microza.

Water treatment

Interview to identify raw water and goals

Interview to identify raw water and goals

n an interview(s), we ask you about the origin, volume, and quality (temperature, pH, COD, BOD, TOC, turbidity, SS, etc.) of the raw water to be treated and the aimed volume and quality of the water after treatment.

Proposing modules and operation conditions  

Proposing modules and operation conditions  

Based on the informed contents, we propose the optimum module, the number of module units, and a simple overview of the device and operation conditions.After you decide on the brand and the number of module units, we present you with an estimate and the time of shipping.A program (web app) is also available with which you can do the calculations.

Shipment and operation attendance

Shipment and operation attendance

Modules are shipped based on your order form. If you wish, we can provide support at installation and/or launch.