以下2つのテストは、各々に最適化されたフルストリップ形式で同一の材料を使用し、DCN Diagnosticsによって実施されました。
*n=10 in each concentration , *Test Lines (after 15 minutes) were compared by reader (mV), *LOD : Limit of Detection,
*%CV = σ/Ave. ×100 (%),
*materials: antibodies, conjugate pads, nitrocellulose membranes, absorbent pads, and sample pads (Study 1), blood separation filters (Study 2)
NanoAct®はTroponin I (TnI)において0.03ng/mlまで検出可能でした
*n=10 in each concentration , *Test Lines (after 15 minutes) were compared by reader (mV), *LOD : Limit of Detection,
*%CV = σ/Ave. ×100 (%),
*materials: antibodies, conjugate pads, nitrocellulose membranes, absorbent pads, and sample pads (Study 1), blood separation filters (Study 2)