Terms and Conditions
The content of this website, including information related to our products and services, is provided under the terms and conditions shown here. By using this website you are deemed to indicate agreement to these terms and conditions: If you do not accept these terms and conditions, do not use this website.
Subsidiaries of Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation may have separate terms and conditions which apply specifically to their respective websites or sections of this website.
All content of this website is protected by applicable copyright laws, regulations, and international treaty. No content from this website may be copied, modified, or distributed without permission.
The names of our products and services shown in this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation, affiliated companies, or third parties granting rights to Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation or affiliated companies. Other product or service names shown may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Links to this website
You are free to link to the top page of this website (www.asahikasei-pharma.co.jp/) as long as you do not place this website within a frame on your website and do not misrepresent our relationship with you. None of our logos may be used without permission.
If you would like to link to any page in this website other than the top page, please contact us using the e-mail form on this website (link provided below). The URL and directory structure of this website are subject to change without notice.
You agree that links to this site shall not originate in websites which contain material that could impair our image or reputation. This includes websites with offensive, immoral, or defamatory content.
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Disclaimer of warranty and liability
All information in this website is given in good faith and believed to be correct. We nevertheless make no representations or warranties as to its completeness or accuracy.
The content of this website and information related to our products and services are subject to change without notice.
All information is provided only on condition that the persons receiving it will make their own determination as to its suitability for their own purposes prior to use. In no event will we be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon such information or related products or services. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product, process, equipment, or formulation in conflict with any intellectual property right, and we make no representation or warranty, express or implied, that the use thereof will not infringe any intellectual property right.
Links to other websites
For your convenience, this website contains links to other websites. These links do not imply any endorsement or recommendation of the linked sites or their content, and we bear no responsibility whatsoever regarding the availability, content, or terms of use of websites operated by third parties.
Availability of products and services
Not all products and services shown in this website are available in all countries and regions. Please contact the relevant department regarding the availability of specific products and services in your location.
Unsolicited information
We have no interest in receiving unsolicited information, including ideas, inventions, and the like, from users of this website. Except with respect to the privacy of personal information (see Privacy Policy), we will not be bound to any obligation of confidentiality regarding unsolicited information received through this site.
Software downloads
Before downloading software from this website, carefully read the terms of use and user license displayed on the relevant web page. By proceeding to download, you are indicating agreement to the relevant terms. Users are solely responsible for performing installation and use.
Governing law
These terms and conditions are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Japan.
Revisions to these terms and conditions
These terms and conditions may be revised periodically. Please refer to this page from time to time to ensure that you are familiar with the latest version.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the content of these terms and conditions.