Hemodialyzer / REXEED-A: The high flux dialyzer with best removal performance among our wet-type product range for all patient groups.





Rexeed-A specifications

Specifications for REXEED-13A, REXEED-15A, REXEED-18A, REXEED-21A, REXEED-25A

Membrane REXBRANE™ (Asahi Polysulfone)
Internal Diameter of Hollow Fiber (μm) 185
Wall Thickness of Hollow Fiber (μm) 45
Priming Volume (mL) 76 86
Maximum TMP (mmHg (kPa)) 500 (66)
Maximum Blood Flow (mL/min) 500
Maximum Dialysate Flow (mL/min) 800
Dimensions (mm[L] x mm[D]) 334 x 38 334 x 41
Weight (g) 412 463
Sterilization Gamma-Ray
Membrane REXBRANE™ (Asahi Polysulfone)
Internal Diameter of Hollow Fiber (μm) 185
Wall Thickness of Hollow Fiber (μm) 45
Priming Volume (mL) 103 117
Maximum TMP (mmHg (kPa)) 500 (66)
Maximum Blood Flow (mL/min) 500
Maximum Dialysate Flow (mL/min) 800
Dimensions (mm[L] x mm[D]) 334 x 43 334 x 47
Weight (g) 520 604
Sterilization Gamma-Ray
Membrane REXBRANE™ (Asahi Polysulfone)
Internal Diameter of Hollow Fiber (μm) 185
Wall Thickness of Hollow Fiber (μm) 45
Priming Volume (mL) 137
Maximum TMP (mmHg (kPa)) 500 (66)
Maximum Blood Flow (mL/min) 500
Maximum Dialysate Flow (mL/min) 800
Dimensions (mm[L] x mm[D]) 334 x 50
Weight (g) 675
Sterilization Gamma-Ray

Note: High permeability devices. Use only with ultrafiltration controlling equipment. ISO 8637:2004

REXEED is a trademark of Asahi Kasei Medical Co., Ltd.



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