Precautions in handling and use.
Do not use plastic optical fiber for any application to come into contact with food, or any medical application such as a catherter, an endscope or the like.
Consult Asahi Kasei before considering plastic optical fiber for any non-invasive medical device applications; invasive applications cannot be considered.
Plastic optical fiber is not structurally or materially designed to bear large external loads. Do not place or drop heavy objects on plastic optical fiber, or hang objects from plastic optical fiber.
Improper installation or service environment may seriously degrade its light transmission capability.
The design of any system or instrument in which plastic optical fiber is to play an essential role must provide effective control of its installation and operating environment (temperature, humidity, freedom from exposure to solvents, chemicals, ultraviolet, etc..) and approprite back-up in case of light transmission loss.
Laboratory tests and experience have shown all of the following to require particular care, in both installation and service.
Plastic optical fiber softens at approximately 100 degree C, decomposes and emits flammable gas at approximately 200 degree C, and above 200 degree C may ignite and burn.
Any lamp or other light source assembly must include a cooling device to keep plastic optical fiber below 80 degree C, and particularly in conjunction with the use of a condenser lens, the end surface of plastic optical fiber must be kept free of dirt and other contaminations, which may cause elavated plastic optical fiber surface temperature, decomposition, and fire.
To prevent performance deterioration of plastic optical fiber, make sure to store the product indoors, so as to avoid direct sunlight.
Plastic optical fiber contains a fluorocarbon resin or a polyvinyl chloride resin, resulting in emission of toxic hydrogen fluoride gas or hydrogen chloride gas in subjecting the product to incineration. Accordingly, a recommended disposal method is incineration in an acid-resistant incinerating furnace, equipped with pretreatment facility for discharge to sewerage system, or landfill. Any of the treatments should be asked to a special disposal processor approved by each local governor.