Blood Tubing Sets: Standard blood tubing lines


Our blood tubing lines are compatible with most of the commonly used dialysis machines

ETO- and gamma-sterilized products are available


Features of components

Product Benefits


Made of medically-approved and biocompatible PVC; soft and anti-kinking tubes

On-off clamp

Small and large clamps are available, depending on the diameter of the tubing

Injection port

Color-coded for identification; a large protector for the operator reduces the risk of accidental needle sticks

Drip chamber

Designed specifically to achieve blood flow accuracy, while reducing blood coagulation

Dialyzer & patient connector

Connectable with standard dialyzers and A.V. fistula needles

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Note: It might be required in your country that medical devices shall be officially registered and/or approved by an authorized organization. Please contact our representative in your region or contact us to confirm whether the listed products are approved for use. These information may contain general information on medical-related topics and is not meant to provide specialist advice or instructions concerning the products and services sold by Asahi Kasei Medical. Please contact us directly for special inquiries. You should not use this information for diagnosing a health problem or disease but should always consult your own physician.Contact us

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