IMMUSORBA TR: Selective immunoadsorption for neurological diseases with easy to handle single use column

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Yoshida et al.
IMMUSORBA TR and IMMUSORBA PH: Basics of design and features of functions.
Ther Apher. 4:127-34, 2000.


Yoshida et al.
IMMUSORBA TR and IMMUSORBA PH: Basics of design and features of functions.
Ther Apher. 4:127-34, 2000.
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Specific immunoadsorption therapy using a tryptophan column in patients with refractory heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy.
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Early aggressive treatment strategy against myasthenia gravis.
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A randomized and controlled study comparing immunoadsorption and plasma exchange in myasthenic crisis.
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Immunoadsorption therapy for steroid-unresponsive relapses in patients with multiple sclerosis.
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Immunoadsorption therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis with steroid-refractory optical neuritis.
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Immunoadsorption in steroid-refractory multiple sclerosis.
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IMMUSORBA is a trademark of Asahi Kasei Medical Co., Ltd.



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