IMMUSORBA TR: Selective immunoadsorption for neurological diseases with easy to handle single use column


Plasma samples were collected at the inlet and outlet of the column when 1L plasma was treated.

*AChR: Acetylcholine receptor
Shibuya et al. [Article in Japanese] Chiryo 66 : 49-55, 1984

Blood samples for removal rate were collected before and after treatment.
Treated plasma volume: 2L

Shibuya et al. Current Practice in Therapeutic Plasmapheresis 166-172, 1985

Clinical course

Mean values of myasthenia gravis score and titer of AChR antibodies in the 11 improved patients after immunoadsorption therapy. Consecutive immunoadsorption treatments induced a significant fall of the myasthenia gravis score and a decrease in the titer of AChR antibodies. The myasthenia gravis score remained low even on day 42 despite the rise in AChR antibody titers.

Shibuya et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 57: 578-581, 1994

Sixty-three Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) patients were enrolled. These patients were treated with plasma adsorption (PA, n=39: Immusorba TR-350), plasma exchange (PE, n=14), or immunoglobulin treatment (IVIg, n=10). The number of days required for one or two functional grades improvement was 20.3 ±15.3 or 34.8 ± 20.5 days, respectively. Treatment methods (PA, PE, or IVIg) did not significantly influence the outcome. Since PA does not result in a risk of unknown infection, choosing a PA may be justified.

Seta et al. Factors influencing outcome in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: comparison of plasma adsorption against other treatments. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 107(6): 491-496, 2005

IMMUSORBA is a trademark of Asahi Kasei Medical Co., Ltd.



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