IMMUSORBA TR: Selective immunoadsorption for neurological diseases with easy to handle single use column


IMMUSORBA TR-350 (L) specifications

Immunoadsorption Column

Adsorbent Material Tryptophan immobilized polyvinylalcohol gel
Volume 350 mL
Priming Volume 300 mL
Container Material Polypropylene
Dimension 211mm[L] x 62mm[D]
Weight 650g
Sterilization High pressure steam

Particle Removal Filter

Filter Material Polyethylene (coated with ethylene-vinylalcohol copolymer)
Area 0.07 m2
Container Material Poly (vinyl chloride)
Dimension 165mm[L] x 22mm[D]
Priming Volume 30 mL
Sterilization Ethylene oxide


For patients undergoing treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, there is a possibility that treatment with the IMMUSORBA TR-350 will lead to a drop in blood pressure. Simultaneous treatment with ACE inhibitor and the IMMUSORBA TR-350 must be avoided.
The IMMUSORBA TR-350 is intended for the treatment of plasma. Never run whole blood through the IMMUSORBA TR-350. Thrombocytes cannot pass through the IMMUSORBA TR-350 and may cause blockage.
Do not use IMMUSORBA TR-350 with plasma containing a large amount of thrombocytes.

IMMUSORBA is a trademark of Asahi Kasei Medical Co., Ltd.



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